ALMAxLeiden - Lettering

We are delighted to announce that Allegro has won the prestigious Outreach Award from the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW: Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) for the ALMAxLeiden initiative. The ALMAxLeiden project is a series of self-guided walking tours to introduce the public to ALMA and radio interferometry in a fun and creative way. It was originally developed as part of the European City of Science Leiden 2022. The first tour in the series, ‘The Great Telescope Adventure’ was launched in the summer of 2022, guiding participants on a tour of 15 locations in Leiden. The locations have been strategically chosen to be places with connections to science and astronomy. You can read this post to learn more about the tour, and do the tour yourself!

The KHMW Outreach Award consists of a monetary prize and contribution to the project costs. We are honoured to have received this prize and look forward to developing the ALMAxLeiden initiative further by making ‘The Great Telescope Adventure’ more accessible and developing a new walking tour intended for young kids. Stay tuned!

The ALMAxLeiden team consists of: Aida Ahmadi (Allegro fellow), Ashley Bemis (Allegro fellow), Alex Hygate (Allegro fellow), Katharina Immer (Allegro fellow), Marin Visscher (Leiden2022 Project Coordinator), Huib Intema (Allegro IT support scientist), Violette Impellizzeri (Allegro Program Manager), Michiel Hoogerheide (Allegro Program Director)