Entries by Allegro

Cycle 9 statistics

ALMA Cycle 9 received a total of 1769 proposals for a requested 27,912 hours for the 12-m array (4300 hours offered), 14,962 hours for the 7-m and 16,096 hours for the Total Power array. This number of proposals has been pretty stable in the past two years (after a record peak surpassing 1830 proposals only […]

Self-calibration and improving image fidelity for ALMA and other interferometers

The high quality of ALMA calibrated data sets allows researchers to tune the imaging parameters to their preferences, and to produce images ready for publication in few steps. Sometimes the exploratory analysis of calibrated datasets can also show the need for post-calibration processing. Identifying and/or diagnosing imaging problems from structured artifacts, or to identify errors […]

ALMA Proposal Preparation Day 2022

The Allegro ARC Node would like to invite you to attend a proposal preparation workshop on March 28, 2022. The aim of this workshop is to assist you in making the most out of ALMA’s new capabilities, getting an overview of the new modes offered, and proposal preparation through the ALMA Observing Tool (OT). We […]