ALMA Cycle 8 Pre-Announcement

Dear ALMA community!

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) has released the cycle 8 pre-announcement.
Please find all the relevant information in this link

Happy proposal planning!

EAS2020 – Special Session Nr. 13: Eight years of ALMA ground-breaking results.

We would like to bring to your attention the special session ‘Eight years of ALMA ground-breaking results: A joint venture between the ALMA user community and the ALMA Regional Centres‘ that is organised as part of the yearly meeting of the European Astronomical Society. The conference will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, on June 29 – July 3, 2020. The Special Session No. 13 will be held on the last day of the conference (July 3rd).

The Special Session SS13 will focus on scientific results that emphasise the connection between the ALMA users and the EU ARC network, and include:

  • Scientific highlights from large programs.
  • Scientific results from special modes with EU-specific strengths:
    high frequencies, polarization, solar observations, deep fields, data combination.
  • Results based on archival research and data mining.
  • Community and EU ARC network software/tools development.
  • Optimization of observations setup and data calibration.
  • Computing facilities for data reduction and analysis.

For more information on the SS13, please visit this link.

For general information on the EAS 2020, please click here.

Abstract submission is open for the SS13 in a form of oral or poster presentations. In order to submit your abstract, please visit the Abstract portal:

The EAS2020 SS13 SOC.

Conference:Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA

There is an open call for applications to the conference “Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA” to be held November 9-13, 2020, focused on the latest scientific results on the high-redshift universe with the ALMA telescope.

The primary scientific themes are:

• High-z galaxies and quasars, the epoch of reionization.
• High-spatial resolution studies: Galaxy kinematics, outflows, mergers, etc.
• Blind surveys — The unknown.
• Simulations of high-z galaxies.
• Physical conditions in high-z galaxies: Gas mass, dust temperature, SFR, etc.

The Conference will be held at Waseda University (Shinjuku, Tokyo) with a 1-day working excursion to Kamakura. If you wish to attend (space is limited), please apply here


The Scientific Organizing Committee
Caitlin Casey
Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky
Jacqueline Hodge
Akio K. Inoue
Nissim Kanekar
Kana Morokuma
J. Xavier Prochaska

Requesting calibrated data in Europe

from 1 October 2019 onwards

By popular demand, the EU ARC has implemented a service which permits ALMA users to
request the calibrated data for a given dataset (Member Obs Unit Set, MOUS) to be
made available for download. The service is open both for ALMA PIs or Delegees with
proprietary ALMA data and for archival users wanting to use datasets for which the
proprietary time has expired.

If you have identified a particular MOUS that you want to investigate, please file
a normal Helpdesk ticket in the department “Archive and Data Retrieval (EU)” and
select the “Data request” sub-category.

In the body of the text always specify the project code (e.g. 2015.1.09999.S, one per ticket)
and MOUS UID(s) (e.g. uid___A001_X340_X6 or uid://A001/X340/X6). You can
enumerate up to 10 MOUSs in your request.

The creation and staging will be done one MOUS at a time and you will be notified
*by separate email for each MOUS* as to where you can download the tarred MS(s).
Depending on the workload on the EU ARC systems, it may take days before your
dataset is ready for you.

Your download link will remain valid for 28 days, which means that you have 28 days from the time
of the notification email to download the data.

The service will become available on 1 October 2019.

Netherlands ALMA Science Day — 22 November 2019.

Allegro is organizing an ALMA Science Day on Friday November 22, 2019, at Leiden Observatory.

Allegro organizes this meeting for the Netherlands ALMA community to share their exciting new science, hear the latest news from the telescope, and discuss user experiences and ALMA-related topics.

  • Program
  • Participants

  • Directions



    The third edition of the Netherlands ALMA Science day will be held in the 2nd floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL-226. We will start the program at 11:30 am with lunch. All the registered participants are invited to join us. We will offer sandwiches and fruits for the registered participants. Then, the science talks will start at 12:30. The first afternoon block of talks will finish with the presentation by this year’s invited speaker Dr. M. Zwaan (ESO). Our program is full of exciting topics including results from high-redshift studies, as well as studies of dust and molecular gas in proto-planetary disks. During the second block of talks, we will have a presentation by Dr. C. Goddi (Allegro) on the results of the Event Horizon Telescope!
    We will finish the day with a Borrel at the 11th floor, next to the Allegro offices. We look forward to seeing you!

    Follow this link to see the Program.

    Registered participants: (Last update 13-11-2019)

    Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden Observatory
    Jim Morrison University of Groningen
    Rudolf Le Poole Leiden Observatory
    Dazhi Zhou Leiden Observatory
    Shota Notsu Leiden Observatory, Leiden University
    Zhenlin Zhu SRON/Leiden University
    Prof. Harry van der Laan Leiden Observatory, ASTRON, ESO
    Ruslan Brilenkov Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen
    Yuan Chen Leiden Observatory
    Gerard Pujol Hernandez API
    Margot Leemker Leiden University
    Huub Rottgering Leiden Observatory
    Marta Frias Castillo Leiden Observatory
    Alvaro Hacar Leiden Observatory
    Rychard Bouwens Leiden University
    Ewine van Dishoeck STRW-UL
    Stefan van der Giessen Leiden University
    Leon Trapman Leiden Observatory
    Gleb Fedoseev Laboratory for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory
    Huib Intema ICRAR – Curtin University
    Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga Leiden Observatory
    Kirsty Butler Sterrewacht Leiden
    Schuyler Wolff Leiden Observatory
    Sander Schouws Leiden University
    Leindert Boogaard Leiden Observatory
    Robin Mentel Leiden Observatory
    Lukasz Tychoniec Leiden Observatory
    Jozsef Varga Leiden Observatory
    Tabone Leiden University
    Yijun Wang University of Science and Technology of China & Leiden Observatory
    Andrew Barr Leiden Observatory
    Matthew Kenworthy Leiden Observatory
    Alexandru-Daniel Taun University of Groningen
    Vincent Icke Leiden University
    Violeta Gámez Rosas Leiden University
    Pengyu Liu Leiden University
    MARIANNA PATATOUKOU Leiden University
    Martijn van Gelder Leiden Observatory
    Micha Heilman Leiden University
    Pooneh Nazari Leiden University

    -Directions to Leiden Observatory

    Note that this is not the old Observatory in the center of Leiden.

    There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station, buses 43 (direction Den Haag) or bus 57 (direction Nieuw Vennep). These take around 7 minutes. Please see the link below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus.

    Instructions on how to get to Leiden Observatory, including transportation from Schiphol Airport, can be found here:
    And a site map can be found here:


    Note these specify the route to the Lorentz Center, which is in the forward leaning building in the photo. The event will be held in the joining taller building – The Huygens building. Leiden Observatory and Allegro offices are located on the 4-5th and 11th floor of that same building, respectively.

    -Directions inside the building:

    • HL-226 on the 2nd floor of the Huygens building:

    At the entrance of the building there is a reception were they can provide you with directions.
    The afternoon session will be held on the 2nd floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL-226.
    The borrel will be held on the 11th floor of the Huygens Building (HL), next to the Allegro offices (HL-11.22).

ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) is now accepting observing proposals for Cycle 7 that request to use the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) in stand-alone mode. Instructions on how to submit proposals can be found on the Cycle 7 Supplemental Call web page.

Users of any nationality or affiliation are invited to submit proposals before the deadline of 15:00 UT on Tuesday 1 October 2019.

Proposals submitted in the Supplemental Call will be peer-reviewed using a distributed system in which each proposal team selects a designated reviewer to participate in the review process. The review process is described in detail in the Supplemental Call documentation.

Users should note that the Supplemental Call proposal submission server will not be available for a few hours on September 10 and September 25 because of scheduled maintenance. The precise downtimes will be noted on the Science Portal. Users will need to update the Observing Tool (OT) after the September 10 maintenance period. For most users, this will happen automatically using the automated web start tool. Information on updating the OT is available at the Observing Tool webpage.

ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals Pre-announcement

The Cycle 7 Supplemental Call for Proposals is anticipated to open at 15:00 UT on September 3 with a proposal deadline of 15:00 UT on October 1. ALMA expects to allocate approximately 2500 h of observing time on the ACA in the Supplemental Call.
Preliminary information is currently available here.
Complete details of the Supplemental Call will be posted on the ALMA Science Portal on September 3.

Cycle 7 Call for Proposals

The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organisations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 7 Call for Proposals (CfP) for scientific observations to be scheduled from October 2019 to September 2020. It is anticipated that 4300 hours of the 12-m Array time and 3750 hours of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) time, also known as the Morita Array, will be available for successful proposals from Principal Investigators (PIs) in Cycle 7.

The Cycle 7 proposal submission deadline is
15:00 UT on Wednesday, 17 April 2019

For more information please visit the ALMA Science Portal.

Proposal Preparation Day – March 28th, 2019

Prior to the deadline for the ALMA Cycle 7 proposal submission (April 17th), Allegro will host a Proposal Preparation Day. Bring in your proposals and we will assist you with the technical aspects and help you in exploring their feasibility, while you work on it during that day. Allegro staff will be there to provide tips & tricks and answer all your questions.

Date: Thursday, March 28th, 2019 (9:30-17:00h)
Address: Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA Leiden, the Netherlands — Huygens building — Room HL-111

You can register for the Proposal Preparation Day at the following link.

In addition to this proposal preparation day, remember you can always ask support from Allegro to help you with your proposals or ALMA related questions at any time.

Find more details below:

  • Participants
  • Directions




    Michiel Hogerheijde

    Leiden Observatory

    Daniel Harsono

    Leiden Observatory

    Carmen Toribio

    Leiden Observatory

    Yanett Contreras

    Leiden Observatory

    Liz Guzman-Ramirez

    Leiden Observatory


    Nicolaus Copernicus University

    Maciej Koprowski

    Nicolaus Copernicus University

    Matthew Kenworthy

    Leiden Observatory

    Alexander Bohn

    Leiden Observatory

    Nadejda Blagorodnova

    Radboud University

    Nadia Murillo

    Leiden Observatory

    Christian Ginski


    Helga Denes


    Jozsef Varga

    Leiden Observatory

    Cristina Garcia Vergara

    Leiden Observatory

    Johanna Poorta



    Leiden Observatory




    -Directions to Leiden Observatory

    Note that this is not the old Observatory in the center of Leiden.

    There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station, buses 43 (direction Den Haag) or bus 57 (direction Nieuw Vennep). These take around 7 minutes. Please see the link below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus.

    Instructions on how to get to Leiden Observatory, including transportation from Schiphol Airport, can be found here:
    And a site map can be found here:


    Note these specify the route to the Lorentz Center, which is in the forward leaning building in the photo. Leiden Observatory and Allegro offices are located on the 4th and 5th floor of that same building. The event will be held in the joining taller building – The Huygens building.

    -Directions inside the building:

    The event will be held on the 1st floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL 111.


The black hole at the heart of our Galaxy

Including the powerful ALMA into an array of telescopes for the first time, astronomers have found that the emission from the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the center of our Galaxy comes from a smaller region than previously thought. This may indicate that a radio jet from Sgr A* is pointed almost toward us. Please find more information on the Press Release.